Based on some things I’ve been reading from the experts I follow, there are some interesting trends and predictions that are said to be coming our way in 2022.
These trends and predictions will be opportunities for people that know how to leverage them.
But I believe that the sweet spot in 2022 is the place where opportunity and the fundamentals meet.
You see, the people and companies that succeed the most are the ones that keep their eye out for opportunities and then take advantage of them by harnessing the fundamentals.
What fundamentals? The marketing fundamentals that have existed for at least 100 years and that will probably exist for at least another 100 years.
For that reason, I put together a series of articles to reveal what these 12 marketing fundamentals are and to show you how you can harness them for your and your company’s benefit.
The 12 Marketing Fundamentals
(NOTE: Click the week below to be taken to directly to that section.)
- #1: The First Marketing Fundamental
- #2: The Second Marketing Fundamental
- #3: The Third Marketing Fundamental
- #4: The Fourth Marketing Fundamental
- #5: The Fifth Marketing Fundamental
- #6: The Sixth Marketing Fundamental
- #7 : The Seven Marketing Fundamental
- #8: The Eighth Marketing Fundamental
- #9: The Ninth Marketing Fundamental
- #10: The Tenth Marketing Fundamental
- #11: The Eleventh Marketing Fundamental
The First Marketing Fundamental

Click the links below to read articles from the first week of the series:
(*All links open in a new window.)
- The 12 Marketing Fundamentals You Need to Succeed in 2021
- The 1st Marketing Fundamental You Need to Succeed in 2021
- The Secret of the Reticular Activating System and How to Capture Attention (VIDEO)
- How Marketers Can Capture Attention Using My ’31 Types of Content We Crave’ (Video)
- This is the Secret to Earning Your Prospect’s FUTURE Attention…Today
Click here to go back to the table of contents at the top.
The Second Marketing Fundamental

Click the links below to read articles from the second week of the series:
(*All links open in a new window.)
- The 2nd Marketing Fundamental You Need to Succeed in 2021
- Eric Bower: How to Make Lead Generation a Positive Experience (Marketing Quotes)
- Lead Magnets: The Fundamental Element Today’s Greatest Tech Companies Have Been Built On
- Why the Average Marketing Conversion Rate is So Low and Why That’s Better News Than You Think
- This is a Simple Way to Increase Your Leads (VIDEO)
- The Unusual Lead Magnet Canva Used to Build a Company Worth $60 Billion
- This is Why Many Companies Ignore Lead Magnets
- 10 Irresistible Lead Magnets to Help You to Grow Your List Today
- How One Company Used an “Unusual” Lead Magnet to Succeed in the Streaming Wars
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The Third Marketing Fundamental

Click the links below to read articles from the second week of the series:
(*All links open in a new window.)
- The 3rd Marketing Fundamental You Need to Succeed in 2021
- How to Follow-Up with Prospects Without Being Annoying
- Why Your Prospects NEED You to Follow-Up with Them
- 3 Unique Reasons You Need to Follow-Up with Prospects Who Aren’t Ready to Buy Today
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The Fourth Marketing Fundamental

Click the links below to read articles from the first week of the series:
(*All links open in a new window.)
- The 4th Marketing Fundamental You Need to Succeed in 2021
- 4 Lessons About Unique Selling Propositions from the Man Who Made the Concept Popular
- 14 Famous Unique Selling Proposition Examples You Can Use
- The Unique Selling Proposition of a Man Named Harry
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The Fifth Marketing Fundamental

Click the links below to read articles from the first week of the series:
(*All links open in a new window.)
- The 5th Marketing Fundamental You Need to Succeed in 2021
- Without This One Thing, Your Marketing is Useless
- A Powerful Lesson on Market Segmentation from the Origin Of Play-Doh
- Philip Kolter: This is Authentic Marketing… (Marketing Quote)
- Here Are Two Secrets of a Powerful Headline
- Can HGTV Teach You How to Create Content for Your Target Audience?
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The Sixth Marketing Fundamental

Click the links below to read articles from the first week of the series:
(*All links open in a new window.)
- The 6th Marketing Fundamental You Need to Succeed in 2021
- The 9 Elements You Need to Create a Powerful Offer
- 3 Important Lessons from McDonald’s on How to Create Attractive Offers
- Why You Need to Make Your Offer So Great They’d Have to Be Crazy to Refuse to Buy
- How Clubhouse Harnessed One of the 9 Elements of a Powerful Offer to Reach 8 Million Downloads
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The Seventh Marketing Fundamental

Click the links below to read articles from the first week of the series:
(*All links open in a new window.)
- The 7th Marketing Fundamental You Need to Succeed in 2021
- 4 Powerful Content Marketing and Copywriting Quotes to Inspire You
- The 11 Indispensable Elements Behind All Great Content or Copy
- How to Make Ordinary Content (or Copy) Feel Extraordinary
- The Century-Old Marketing Methods That Make Businesses Successful Today
- The 5 Obstacles All Successful Content (or Copy) Must Overcome
- A Quiet Place II and the Secret Behind Powerful Content Marketing and Copywriting
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The Eighth Marketing Fundamental

- The 8th Marketing Fundamental You Need to Succeed in 2021
- Invisible Marketing: Did Progressive Insurance Just Use Content Marketing and a Free Plus Shipping Offer?
- The Surprising Upsell Offer That Will Boost Your Revenue Today Using Tomorrow’s Sales
- Upselling: Good For Customers And Companies?
- How to Upsell Like Amazon: 10 Powerful Ways to Ethically Increase Your Profit Per Customer
Click here to go back to the table of contents at the top.
The Ninth Marketing Fundamental

- The 9th Marketing Fundamental You Need to Succeed in 2022
- Why You Need Backend Marketing to Stay in Business
- This is the Best Time to Make a Backend Offer
- Brian Tracy: How to Approach Each Customer (Marketing Quote)
- The 6 Backend Marketing Offers Any Business Can Make
Click here to go back to the table of contents at the top.
The Tenth Marketing Fundamental

- The 10th Marketing Fundamental You Need to Succeed in 2022
- 5 Ways to Make Your Content Marketing (and Your Business) More Memorable
- This is Why Your Content Marketing Is Being Ignored
- The Amazing, Crazy Story of How a Man Named Pearl Accidentally Became a Brand
- Marketers: Never Overlook the Astonishing Power of Repetition
Click here to go back to the table of contents at the top.
The Eleventh Marketing Fundamental