Have You Heard of “Knowledge Obesity?”

Yesterday, I read an article from Human Resources Director Magazine called, Struggling with ‘knowledge obesity’? You’re not alone.
In the article, Jess Bell shares a warning from Elmo Software’s Chief Human Resources Officer, Monica Watt, about the tsunami of information we now have to face in a remote world.
Watt says that this immense wave of information has brought about what she calls “knowledge obesity.”
What’s the difference between knowledge obesity and good old ordinary information overload? Here’s what Watt told Bell…
“…the concept of knowledge obesity is subtly different to too much information.
“With the rise of apps, employees have tools at their disposal, for example, organisation apps to streamline productivity or meditation apps to prioritise their mental health.
“But with knowledge, it’s much harder to assess what is and isn’t necessary in our working lives.”
– Monica Watt quoted in Struggling with ‘knowledge obesity’? You’re not alone by Jess Bell
So, according to Watt, all this knowledge makes our brains “obese” and paralyzed.
That’s why I told you in a previous article that our problem is NOT with time management.
Our problem is with ATTENTION Management.
When we manage our attention better, then we’ll manage our time better.
And here’s the good news.
Trying to manage our time can seem overwhelming and complicated.
But managing our attention doesn’t have to be like that.
The 3 Keys to Increased Focus, Efficiency & Creativity

I’ve come across three simple things that will help any of us to become more focused, more effective, and more creative in the new year.
Just to be clear, these three simple things are not just something I made up.
I discovered them. Let me explain…
1. The first key is something that many of the “Greats” from the past implemented daily in their lives.
2. The second key is based on an ancient concept that was unknowingly implemented by one of the greatest thinkers of the 20th century.
3. The third key is based on a mindset that both modern productivity experts and an ancient group of people agree upon.
What Makes These Three Keys Better Than Your Typical Time Management System

These three keys are NOT like your typical time management system.
In fact, the interesting thing about these three keys is:
- They DON’T require more work or effort on your part. In fact, it requires less.
- They DON’T require you to memorize some new time management system. They can be easily remembered once you learn them.
- They DO require you to do what the majority of our 24/7, non-stop world doesn’t do.
- They’re not difficult things. They’re just overlooked by most people.
- They DO require you to relax and slow down.
I’ve taken these three keys and I’ve recorded a 39:00 minute video explaining WHAT they are, WHY they are so important, and HOW to implement them in your life.
I’ll Let You Watch the First 17 Minutes of My Training for Free

When I first found these three keys, I was so sure of them that I reached out to some friends on Facebook to see if any would want to give them a try.
Thankfully, I had some friends who wanted to be my guinea pigs. 🙂
I was glad to have people try out these keys, but I was even more excited to see the positive results they got from applying these three keys.
After I knew that these three keys worked, I offered the training for $56. This year, I’ve decided to offer them to you for a special price.
(*I’ll begin offering it for a special price during the week of January 4th, so stay tuned.)
But before I give anyone the chance to buy it, I decided to let you watch the first 17 mins of the recording for free.
That way you can get a taste of it before you decide if you want to get full access to it.
Just to be clear, you won’t learn what the three keys are in the first 17 mins. I’m saving those for people who purchase the recording.
But you will discover:
- The connection Benjamin Franklin has with time management systems
- How/why ancient people cared more about time than we do
- The most important thing that all successful people seem to do
This will give you a significant taste of it before you decide to purchase the whole thing.
If you’d like to watch the first 17 mins of the training, sign-up below. You’ll be sent the link to watch it right away.
If You Missed the Previous Articles
If you missed the previous articles in this series on the myth of time management, then you can see them here:
- The One Act That Ensures Complete Attention (A Story That Will Make You Think)
- Henry Ford: This is the Weakness of Us All
- Time Management is Not Your Real Problem
- The Art of Living: Are You an Amateur or an Artist?
(*All of the above links open in a new window.)