NOTE: Four years ago, I wrote a post for ContentMarketingInstitute.com (CMI) called “21 Types of Content We All Crave.”
Even though I really thought I had come up with an important concept, the response to that post still surprised me.
- It was shared something over 800 times. (I stopped counting!)
- It ended up with a 101 comments before CMI turned off the comments.
- It has since been shared thousands of times.
You can see the infographic below…
21 Types of Content We Crave (INFOGRAPHIC)

“Scott has consistently been one of our top authors at the content marketing institute. His posts are timely, fact-driven and almost always drive a high-level of discussion.
His ’21 types of content we crave’ infographic post on CMI was one of our most popular posts of the year!”

– Joe Pulizzi
The founder of ContentMarketingInstitute.com
One of the leading thought leaders behind the content marketing and social media movement
That original post was so popular that they asked to repost it again as a “Back by Popular Demand” post.
And when they did, they asked me if I had any new thoughts to add. So I had another infograph created with 10 additional types of content that we crave.
That new post went live on June 24, 2016. 17 days after this was posted, this had already happened:
- Tweeted 1127 times
- Shared on Linkedin 711 times
- Shared on Facebook 343 times
- And shared on Google+ 282 times
Below is that infographic with more of the types of content that we crave…
10 More Types of Content We Crave (INFOGRAPHIC)

The Webinar I Put on to Show People How to Use “Content We Crave” to Create Engaging Content
I went on to put on a webinar based on how to use the the types of “content we crave” to create engaging content.
Here is what two of the original attendees said about what I shared…
“If you are involved in content creation in any way, 21 Types of Content We Crave is for you. It not only shows you what works, but why. In just a short time this webinar will help anyone learn to break through all the other noise and “content clutter” out there by creating powerful stories that people remember and want to share.”

“Scott’s concepts in 21 Types of Content We Crave are absolutely brilliant! He simply breaks down an actionable approach that any content marketer can and should start using immediately. I highly recommend Scott Aughtmon as a valuable resource for both entrepreneurs and marketing professionals.”

I later taught the same, basic information at a Meetup for B2B content marketers. This is what some of the people who were there had to say.
“Scott is a fantastic speaker. His presentations grab your attention from the very start, then keep you on the edge of your seat for the entire duration. Scott had an audience of B2B content marketers hanging on his every word. Scott’s presentation sparked so many ideas that the subsequent Q&A with audience members ran long. Being a good sport, Scott stayed until every last question was answered.”

Former Director of Content Marketing, DNN
“The title of Scott’s presentation, ‘21 Types of Content We Crave,’ was completely misleading, and that’s a good thing. For most audiences, the phrase ‘types of content’ denotes the different content assets: data sheets, white papers, infographics, news releases, etc. Currently, there are many content experts who talk about content strategy and content assets – talks that have become content cliché. Scott’s presentation, on the other hand, was about the different emotional triggers that content should elicit and evoke – a truly brilliant and novel approach.”

Want to Take a Peek at My Training?
You can watch the first 12 minutes of my 52:39-minute video training, if you’d like to understand more about “content we crave” and why we need to learn to use it.
You can watch it for free. All you need to do is sign-up below.
Watch First 12 Mins. of “31 Types of Content We Crave” for FREE
That way you can see if you would like to purchase it or not.