Imagine what it would be like to not just have people CONSUME your content but to CRAVE it.
Well, if you use the info in the info in the infographic I shared before and this one below, your content could become much more craveable.
Yesterday, I told the story of how I came up with a popular infographic for Content Marketing Institute called “21 Types of Content We All Crave.”
Here’s the rest of the story.
In February 2016, Michele Linn, then the head of editorial at CMI, now the co-founder of Mantis Research, emailed me.
She wanted to see if I’d have any interest in updating the post.
She said my post was still getting good traffic and they wanted to repost it as a part of a series called “Back by Popular Demand.”
But, first, she had a question.
She wanted to see if my thoughts had evolved at all over the 4 years since it was first published.
From the very beginning, I never claimed that my 21 Types of Content We Crave was a complete list.
My original list was just the ones I came up with as I thought about the types of content I had seen impact people and capture their attention.
So, I replied and told Michele that I thought I could add some thoughts and even come up with a new list with more types of content people crave.
I then thought again about other types of content we crave.
And I thought about the types of content I might have left out in my original list.
After much thought, I came up with a new list of 10 types of content we crave.
The new post, 10 More Types of Content We All Crave, went live on June 24, 2016.
It contained some additional thoughts, the new infographic, and the original “21 Types” infographic.
The response to this new post was awesome.
People who had never seen the first infographic loved it.
They were also excited to see the additional list of 10.
People who remembered the first infographic were excited to see the new one and were happy to see the first one again.