I hope I don’t get in trouble with ol’ Chris Kringle, but it’s time to reveal the secret to his incredible fame.
It’s the one gift he’s been keeping to himself.
It’s how he has stealthfully used content marketing all these years.
When we talk about content marketing, we usually think of content that is created by the business itself (the owner or someone on their team).
But what we often overlook is some of the most potent content around: customer-created, or user-generated content.
This is the type of content that has been Santa’s secret for a long time.
Santa’s Secret 3-Step Content Marketing Strategy
Here are three steps he’s used to spread his fame around the world using the power of user-generated content:
1. Determine to do something so bold and amazing that people will want to share your story (content) with everyone.
The way Santa does this is to do something so bold that people can’t stop talking about it. He gives presents to strangers.
Giving gifts to people you know or have heard about is kind. But giving them to strangers around the world? That’s pretty bold and amazing.
Example of How Others Have Done This
Seven years ago the folks at WestJet decided to borrow Santa’s method.
Watch what happened when they did….
Amazing isn’t it?
When this video first came out, people shared it like crazy!
That’s why doing something so bold that everyone can’t help but tell your story is a powerful strategy. But this is only his first step.
Let’s look at Santa’s next step…
2. Bring on an amazing team and let the story of who they are (content focused on their unique talents, qualities, and gifts) be told for all to see/hear.
Santa does this in many ways: he hires elves, uses flying reindeer, and even uses a reindeer with a shiny nose to lead them.
Example of How Others Have Done This
A woman named Tia Torres has done something similar. She has hired a team of people that most others have overlooked: parolees.
Why would she do this?
Because after her husband was sent to prison, she knew how much getting a second chance meant to someone who has a criminal record.
That’s why Tia decided to hire parolees to help her rescue pit bulls, animals who also know what it’s like to need a second chance.
Now Tia redeems the lives of parolees and pit bull’s through Villalobos.
Her team is so amazing and memorable that Animal Planet decided to do a show about her and Villalobos (create content about them).
It’s called Pit Bulls and Parolees.
Watch her celebrate the ending of parole for the first parolee she ever hired whose name is Earl…
Powerful, isn’t it?
But having a memorable team doesn’t just help you to have something worth creating content about.
It’s the thing that actually enables you to change people’s lives!
Now let’s look at Santa’s last content marketing strategy…
3. Allow and encourage others to freely share your story in many content forms.
Santa has never focused very much on creating his own content.
He’s always focused on doing and being someone worth creating content about.
Then he just lets others tell stories, create tv shows, movies, and even music about him.
I think that Airbnb is a good example of this. I’ve never seen many commercials or ads about Airbnb.
The only reason I originally heard about it is because other people created content about it.
This video from SoniasTravels is an example of content that others have created FOR Airbnb…
Takeaways For You & Your Business:
This post is obviously just meant for fun.
But the more I think about it, the more I realize there are three overlooked content marketing ideas we really need to consider:
- Who you are
- Who your staff, employees & associates are
- What you do
…are ALL a rarely tapped source of powerful content.
With these in mind, here are some questions for you to think about as we enter into 2023:
- What bold, different, and amazing things can you do in 2023?
Focus on things to make your life and business more exciting. Think of things that will make your story worth sharing. - Are there amazing or interesting things you or your business has done in 2022 that you can share in 2023?
- What interesting facts, hobbies, and stories about you and your staff have you neglected to share? (Obviously, your staff needs to give you permission.)
If you sat down as a team and brainstormed/dreamed together, I bet you could come up with some pretty interesting answers to these questions!
Don’t focus on doing these things just so people will create content about you.
Focus on them because they would be fun, exciting, and meaningful to do.
- Do things that help to change your industry.
- Do things that change/improve people’s’ lives (the best reason to do this).
The accidental side-benefit will be that you will have a story worth sharing and content worth creating/spreading – whether it is created by you and others.
How to Create Engaging Content in 2024
Content was once a rare thing, but now it has become a commodity.
You can’t just post any-old, average content anymore and expect to see results.
But that DOESN’T mean that content marketing and content creation are a waste of time.
The good news is that even though content is now a commodity, unique content is in demand more than ever.
I’d say that if you’re going to create content, then it has to be original.
It has to stand out.
Otherwise, it’s a waste of time.
But IF your content is engaging and original, you will stand out from the pack and build a valuable audience made up of prospects and customers.
You’ll go from chasing prospects to attracting them to you, your business, or your organization.
How do you create engaging and original content?
That’s what my “31 Types of Content We Crave” training is all about.
If you’ve enjoyed my Christmas content marketing lessons and want to know how to create more unique and engaging content, then don’t miss the special offer to attend my “31 Types of Content We Crave” webinar at a special price.
I’ll not only allow you attend for a special price, I’ll also:
- Give you a free PDF copy of my book 51 Content Marketing Hacks
- Send you the recording after the webinar
- Allow you to invite any of your staff to attend with you (or in your place)
If you’re interested in being a part of the webinar, or just want more details on the date, time, etc., then DM me on LinkedIn.
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