You might not believe this, but I’m about to show you a lesson you can learn from Hallmark movies that can help you to easily create powerful content in 2023.
And it all comes down to knowing the importance and value of patterns. I’ll explain more of what I mean in a minute.
But first, let’s look at the thing that most people think is the flaw of Hallmark movies because it’s actually the genius of them.
When a Bot Writes a Hallmark Movie
Humorist Keaton Patti forced a bot to digest massive amounts of human media to produce these absurdly funny, totally real, “bot-generated” scripts, essays, advertisements, and more. (Check out his book here.)
One of the scripts the bot wrote was one to a Hallmark movie. In this tweet, pictured below, he reveals the hilarious results….

They Laughed When Hallmark Starting Creating Movies – Until the Ratings Came In

People like to make fun of how formulaic Hallmark movies are – so formulaic that even a bot could write them. But there’s one thing that can’t be denied.
Hallmark movies and the Hallmark Channel itself are both very popular.
How popular are they? You might not believe it, but check out these stats:
- As of October 2020, the Hallmark Channel is the 7th most popular cable channel. (Source)
- Countdown to Christmas has made Hallmark Channel the #1 entertainment cable network during Total Day in Fourth Quarter-to-date among Households, Women 18+, Women 25-54, and Total Viewers, and during Primetime among Households, Women 18+, and Total Viewers (Source)
- 17 of the 21 original holiday movie premieres on Hallmark Channel were the most-watched entertainment programs of the week among Women 18+ (Source)
- To date, the annual holiday programming event has reached nearly 45 million unduplicated Total Viewers (Source)

Why is Hallmark Channel so popular? And why are Hallmark movies so popular?
One of the reasons is the fact that people need an escape from this crazy pandemic world we live in.
“That’s a polite way of saying more and more Americans are turning to the Hallmark Channel for relief from the daily news cycle.”
– The feel-good Hallmark Channel is booming in the age of Trump – Heather Long, WashingtonPost.com
But I think it’s more than that. I think it comes down to people’s deep need for familiar patterns.
One of the things kids are taught in kindergarten is how to recognize patterns. They have to be able to recognize and name the basic types of patterns.

They have to be able to notice “AB” patterns (like the one in the image above that is yellow, red, yellow, red, etc.). They have to recognize “ABC” patterns such as: blue, green, red, blue, green, red, etc.
They also have to be able to recognize other types of patterns. Why do they have to learn these things?
Because being able to recognize patterns in life is an important life skill.
But do you realize that the ability to recognize and form patterns is a powerful tool in content creation and content marketing?
You see, people crave familiar things – especially in a world with so much turmoil and upheaval.
Patterns create a familiar framework that enables people to more easily consume your content.
Patterns Do Two Things That Are Important In Content Marketing:
1. They help people to follow along.
2. They create anticipation.
Now, obviously, when I am talking about creating content based on patterns I am NOT suggesting that you create predictable content.
I am just saying that it should have an underlying pattern.
If you start paying attention, you’ll notice that every type of content that you like (TV shows, Youtube channels/stars/shows, websites, authors, etc.) all use patterns.
Whether you realize it or not, what you really like about your favorite content is the patterns that they use.
Two Different Ways You Can Utilize Patterns To Create Effective Content
I want to share with you two ways you can utilize patterns to help you to more easily create effective content.
External Patterns
One way is to utilize external patterns to help you create more effective content.
Here’s how:
1. Notice the patterns that other effective content creators and content marketers use.
2. Try out their patterns with your own content.
3. Study the results.
4. Use the patterns that you are the most comfortable with and the ones that produce the best results.
Internal Patterns
The other way is to utilize internal patterns to help you create more effective content:
1. Notice the patterns you tend to already use when creating content.
2. Study which patterns seem to get the best response and are well received.
3. Purposely use the patterns which you determine get you the best response.

4 Benefits Of Using Patterns When Creating Content
1. It gives you a framework to start with, which helps you overcome “the blank page” syndrome that often causes writer’s block.
2. It allows you to begin to create a style of content your reader can get used to and associate with you.
3. People who resonate with your pattern(s) begin to regularly come back because they like the format and know what to expect.
4. It gives you structure and freedom. Structure for the flow of your blog post, or other types of content you use, but freedom to be creative within that framework.

One Way I Do This
I don’t know if you noticed it before, but I have a pattern I use on a micro-level on this site. Each article generally has a regular pattern I follow.
On a basic level the pattern looks like this:
1. I use something to grab your attention.
2. I present my main thoughts, ideas, or lessons.
3. I challenge you to take action.
Let Others Laugh at Hallmark Channel, While You Learn from Them
Let me be clear one last time. I’m not suggesting that you create cheesy, simple patterns with the content you create..
I am suggesting that you find subtle and powerful patterns that your audience loves and can’t get enough of.
When you do that, you will discover the secret to effortlessly creating powerful content in 2023 and beyond.
How to Create Engaging Content in 2024
Content was once a rare thing, but now it has become a commodity.
You can’t just post any-old, average content anymore and expect to see results.
But that DOESN’T mean that content marketing and content creation are a waste of time.
The good news is that even though content is now a commodity, unique content is in demand more than ever.
I’d say that if you’re going to create content, then it has to be original.
It has to stand out.
Otherwise, it’s a waste of time.
But IF your content is engaging and original, you will stand out from the pack and build a valuable audience made up of prospects and customers.
You’ll go from chasing prospects to attracting them to you, your business, or your organization.
How do you create engaging and original content?
That’s what my “31 Types of Content We Crave” training is all about.
If you’ve enjoyed my Christmas content marketing lessons and want to know how to create more unique and engaging content, then don’t miss the special offer to attend my “31 Types of Content We Crave” webinar at a special price.
I’ll not only allow you attend for a special price, I’ll also:
- Give you a free PDF copy of my book 51 Content Marketing Hacks
- Send you the recording after the webinar
- Allow you to invite any of your staff to attend with you (or in your place)
If you’re interested in being a part of the webinar, or just want more details on the date, time, etc., then DM me on LinkedIn.
Yes, that’s the only way to get more information.
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