For my last article in my series on The 10th marketing fundamental, I want to emphasize something that I touched on briefly in a previous article: repetition.
I bet it’s a power you take for granted. Let me explain…
Can you remember the words to one of your favorite songs in high school, even if it’s been years or decades?
Of course, you can.
You sang that song over and over for weeks on end.
That’s the power of repetition.
Can you remember the name of your best friend in Elementary school?
You probably can.
You spent time with that person daily over many years.
That’s the power of repetition.
Can you recite the ABCs or remember the multiplication table?
Of course, you can.
You recited and practiced those things over and over and have used them in various ways for years and years.
That’s the power of repetition.
But that’s not all.
Do you have a habit that’s hard to break?
That’s the power of repetition.
Are there actions and behaviors that you do (right or wrong, positive or negative) that you only first began doing after someone constantly encouraged you to do this over and over again?
That’s the power of repetition.
Marketing Is No Different
Why do we think marketing is going to be any different?
- If you want your company, product, or service to be remembered, it’s going to take repetition.
- If you want to educate your prospects and or customers about their problems, needs, and goals – or about the benefits of your company, product, service, it’s going to take repetition.
- If you want the use of your product or service to become a positive habit in peoples’ lives, it’s going to take repetition.
- If you want to influence your prospects or customers to take certain actions or begin certain behaviors, it’s going to take repetition.
Let me say that again in a different way…
Without repetition, it will be very difficult to:
- Create marketing that’s memorable
- Educate your prospects or customers
- Build habits in consumers
- Influence prospects or customers
That means that if you want to experience the power of great marketing on your business, product, or service…
Never ever forget, never ever overlook, never ever take for granted, the astonishing power of repetition.
“This is the lesson that history teaches: repetition.”
Gertrude Stein
P.S. Did you notice how I even used the power of repetition in this article? It works.
The 10th Marketing Fundamental
If you missed my other articles in this series of articles on the 10th marketing fundamental, you can read them below:
- The 10th Marketing Fundamental You Need to Succeed in 2022
- 5 Ways to Make Your Content Marketing (and Your Business) More Memorable
- This is Why Your Content Marketing Is Being Ignored
- The Amazing, Crazy Story of How a Man Named Pearl Accidentally Became a Brand
Stay tuned for my next article on The 11th marketing fundamental.
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