“If you want to know the future, look at the past.”
– Albert Einstein
“Why should we look to the past in order to prepare for the future? Because there is nowhere else to look.”
― James Burke
The Fundamentals of the Past Reveal the Future of 2022
In 2022, I believe that the biggest marketing breakthroughs will take place at the intersection where opportunity and the fundamentals meet.
The people and companies that will succeed the most this year are the ones that keep their eye out for opportunities and take advantage of these opportunities by harnessing the fundamentals.
What fundamentals? The marketing fundamentals that have existed for at least 100 years and that will probably exist for at least another 100 years.
How do I know this will be true? Because this has been true for a century, before and after the internet.
(I don’t have time to go into details here, but the success of Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, and other top companies are inextricably connected to the same marketing fundamentals that were used in 1922 and even earlier.)
For that reason, I’m going to continue the series I began a year ago at the beginning of 2021. (Important: I will be updating all of my previous articles to refer to 2022.)
The 12 Marketing Fundamentals You Need to Succeed in 2022
Today, I’m going to reveal the 10th marketing fundamental you need to succeed this year.
If you haven’t read the other articles in this series, then you should read the next section. It will help you to understand the importance of the marketing fundamentals I’m sharing with you.
Here are the first 9 of the marketing fundamentals you need to succeed this year…
The First 9 Marketing Fundamentals:
Here are the nine marketing fundamentals that I’ve revealed so far are in this series:
- The first marketing fundamental is attention. Because without attention, there is no marketing.
- The second marketing fundamental is attraction. Without attraction, all the work you put into capturing their attention will be wasted.
- The third marketing fundamental is follow-up. Because two of the biggest mistakes many companies make are tied to follow-up. They don’t follow up at all. They don’t follow up enough.
- The fourth marketing fundamental is a unique selling proposition. Because if you’re ever going to get your prospects to choose your company, product, or service over your competition, then they have to know WHY and HOW your business is different and better than any of the other choices.
- The fifth marketing fundamental is your Who or what is commonly called your “target market.” Because if you don’t get this group of prospects right, then all of your marketing efforts will produce little results.
- The 6th marketing fundamental is your offer. If you don’t create a powerful offer, even the right “whos” won’t end up purchasing from you.
- The 7th marketing fundamental is your copy or the words you use. Once you have the right audience and the most powerful offer for that audience, then the next most important thing to focus on is the words you will use to communicate to that audience.
- The 8th marketing fundamental is upselling. All successful companies use upselling to increase their profit per customer.
- The 9th marketing fundamental is backend marketing. It isn’t the first sale with a customer that brings you the most profit. It’s all of the sales that you make with that customer for years to come.
Alright, you’re now ready to discover the 10th marketing fundamental.
Prospect and Customer Amnesia?

If your business or company is going to succeed, then your prospects and customers need to remember you exist when they need what you offer.
But here’s the problem: Many prospects won’t buy immediately from you.
Why not? There are many reasons. Here are just a few:
- They might want to look around.
- They might want to check you out on Yelp or other review sites.
- They might not have the money or a strong enough need/desire to buy.
- They’ve never heard of you before and want to get “used to” the idea of buying from you.
- They just might be in a hurry and not have the time to purchase today.
The problem this causes is that they have to remember that you or your business exists when they finally need or want what you offer.
You might be thinking about your business every day, but your prospects aren’t!
And I hate to break it to you, but this isn’t just true of prospects. It’s also true of your customers!
They might purchase from you once. But when they have the same need/desire again, they might not think of your business first – or at all!
Out of Sight, Out of Mind

The old saying “out of sight, out of mind” is true about your customers.
There was a local steakhouse that closed in a city near where we used to live in the Bay Area. When I drove by and saw the building was vacant I realized that I NEVER thought about eating there when I was thinking of a place to go out to.
I totally forgot they were there. And I like steak!
I bet the restaurant owners never realized this. They just thought people were choosing not to eat at their restaurant. In reality, there were probably many people that didn’t even have them on their “radar.”
There are restaurants or other retail stores that I’ve purchased from once in the past and I never went to again.
Why? It wasn’t that I didn’t like the place. It was just that I never thought about them again.
What’s the 10th marketing fundamental? It’s that you must find ways to make your business more memorable to your prospects and customers.
They must remember you or your product when they’re ready to buy what you offer.
You have to come up with ways to help your prospects and your customers remember your business. You have to come up with ways to get them in a HABIT of purchasing from you.
In my upcoming articles, I’ll reveal some things about why you need your business to be memorable that I bet you’ve never thought of.
And I’m going to show you some unique ways to be on (and stay on) the top of your prospect’s or customer’s mind.
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If you would like to learn more about any of the above fundamentals, then click here to choose any articles you’d like to read. (There are now 50 articles you can read in this series.)
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