IMPORTANT: Do you know the Christmas TV specials that used to only come on once a year?
Well, you can think of my Christmas content marketing videos that you’ll see over the next few days like those TV specials.
I say that because I will be reposting these videos and related articles during this time every year.

Christmas Content Marketing Examples
If you just pay attention, there are examples of content marketing, and lessons to be learned, everywhere.
There are even content marketing examples and lessons that can be found at Christmas time.
What you’re about to see is just one example. But let me be clear.
This and the upcoming examples are content marketing examples that come from Christmas.
But they are NOT examples that can only be used during Christmas time.
They can be used year-round.
How Content Marketing Gave Birth to Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
The video you’re about to see contains the little-known story of how a content marketing assignment led to the most famous reindeer of all.
In other words, you’re about to discover a Christmas content marketing lesson. In the video, you’ll discover:
- Montgomery Ward’s use of content marketing at Christmas
- How the story of Rudolph came to be
- The tragedy that almost ended it all
- The surprising success of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
- The offer he had to refuse
- The big risk and the big payoff
- The rejected song that became a hit
In You Enjoyed This, Can You Do Two Things?
If you enjoy this video, then please subscribe to this channel.
You’ll not only learn other Christmas content marketing lessons, but you’ll also learn lessons on how to create engaging content through my behind-the-scenes videos.
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