Invisible Marketing: Content Marketing is Everywhere
I’ve been involved in writing and teaching content marketing for over a decade.
For that reason, I can’t NOT see content marketing being used everywhere. In fact, I see content marketing being used where most people completely miss it.
That’s what I mean when I use the term “invisible marketing.”
Here’s an example…
Progressive Is Using Content Marketing?
I was watching TV yesterday and minding my own business. All of a sudden, a commercial came on that I wasn’t expecting.
It was a Progressive commercial featuring my favorite guy: Dr. Rick. You know him. He’s the self-help guru who helps homeowners to avoid becoming like their parents.
But it wasn’t one of the regular commercials I’ve seen and liked before. It was a commercial that caused my content marketing sensor to start going off.
It was a commercial for a book by the fictional Dr. Rick has written.
The reason my content marketing radar went off is because, even though Dr. Rick is just an actor (played by Bill Glass), it seemed to me like this commercial was an offer for a real book.
So I decided to go on Progressive’s website and learn more about it.
And I couldn’t believe what I found.
It appeared to be a page that you’d create to sell a real book. It even had sales copy that mentioned: “while supplies last.”
I couldn’t resist. I had to see if it was a real book.
So, I decided to click the “Buy Now” button.
Before I tell you what happened, I need to make sure you understand why Progressive selling a book was seen as content marketing for me.

SIDEBAR: How is a book a form of content marketing?
There are many ways that a book can be a form of content marketing. First, you need to remember what content marketing actually is at its core.
Here is my personal definition of content marketing…
My Personal Definition – Content marketing is the creation (or curation) of engaging content for the express purpose of gaining the attention and favor of a certain group, so that they will be persuaded to do business with an individual, business, or organization.
If you want to learn more about ways that I book can be used as content marketing to position you or your company, check out my post on my site RecessionSolution.com called Content Marketing And A New Purpose For Books.
What Happened When I Clicked the “Buy Now” Button
When I clicked the button, I saw that the cost of the book was $0.00. When I saw that, I thought, “Wait a minute. Is it possible that Progressive is offering a ‘free plus shipping offer?'”
I’ve never seen a major company like Progressive use a free plus shipping offer. I began to get excited just thinking that they might have used this type of offer.
(Ok, now you really know I’m a “marketing nerd.” I see content marketing everywhere and I get excited about the idea of major companies using direct response offers. Look away from me! I can’t take your judging glares!)
My already fast-beating heart was about to begin beating even faster from what I discovered next.
SIDEBAR: What’s a “free plus shipping offer?
A “free plus shipping” offer is a direct response offer that has been around for a long time. But it has been made extremely popular in the online world by Russell Brunson.
People who use this offer offer a book (or other product) for free and ask people to just pay for shipping.
After a person fills out their information and pays for the shipping offer, they are usually taken to one or more special offers where the person is encouraged to purchase an additional, related offer.
Are “free plus shipping” offers effective? You would think that by offering a product for free and only having people pay for shipping that you wouldn’t make any money.
But that’s not true. People who use these types of offers effectively have made large amounts of money.
Did Progressive Use a “Free Plus Shipping Offer”?
I had to see if they actually did. So I clicked “Add to Cart” and then the “Continue Shopping” button.
What I saw next confirmed my suspicion. They had three options for me to pay for my book to be shipped to me.
It was a free plus shipping offer! Awesome.
I filled out my credit card information, then I clicked the “Continue to Payment” button and filled out my payment information.
I did this because I want to see the book itself. I want to see if there’s any marketing in the book itself. I also want to see what type(s) of marketing Progressives uses after they send me the book.
So, I clicked on the “Pay Now” button to finish my order.
What Happened After I Clicked “Pay Now”
At this point, I was still waiting anxiously to see if Progressive was going to make me an additional offer like a typical “free plus shipping offer” does.
Guess what? They did.
It wasn’t executed the way I hoped it would be but it was still an additional offer.
They offered a chance for me to shop for other Progressive products.
They have cool, branded products like a Flo costume or a Jamie costume and many other products. They even have a Mrs. Flo-Tato Head! You can see the products here.
I Can’t Wait to Get My Book and See What Happens Next
I already really liked the Dr. Rick commercials.
But I’m very impressed that Progressive is using content marketing in the form of a book and direct response marketing techniques in the form of a ‘free plus shipping” offer.
Now, I’m excited to get my book Dr. Rick Will See You Now! I can’t wait to get see what other cool marketing Progressive uses.
P.S. After looking more into this commercial and offer, I discovered it’s been out since late October. I don’t know why I never saw it until now!
The 12 Marketing Fundamentals You Need to Succeed in 2021
For those of you who are regulars here and wondering about my series, The 12 Marketing Fundamentals You Need to Succeed in 2021, I will be finishing it up this month and next.
And in the new year, I will be updating it and providing new content focused on these fundamentals. Stay tuned!