Whether you are a content marketer or a copywriter, you face the same challenge. You must make your content or copy stand out from the rest in your niche.
If you don’t, you will never sell the product or service you’re promoting. And you definitely won’t last in your job or your career very long.
That means it’s imperative that you learn how to create better content or persuasive copy.
Well, I want to show you one way you can make ordinary content or copy feel extraordinary.
Do you know the best part about what I’m about to reveal to you?
It’s a method that many people don’t know or completely overlook.
In order for you to fully understand this method, I first need to tell you a story, or better yet, a legend.
Because the legend you’re about to hear contains the secret behind this powerful method…
The Legend of the Extraordinarily Ordinary Tea

There once was a group of elderly, cultured gentlemen who met often to exchange wisdom and drink tea.
Each host did their best to find the finest and most costly varieties of tea that they could.
Each host worked hard to create exotic blends that would arouse the admiration of their guests.
When the most honored and respected member of the group had them all over, he served his tea with unprecedented ceremony.
He measured the leaves from a golden box.
The elderly group of cultured gentlemen praised this exquisite tea.
They couldn’t stop talking about how amazing the tea was.
But what the host revealed next surprised his guests...
He smiled and said, “The tea you have found so delightful is the same tea our peasants drink. I hope it will be a reminder to all that the good things in life are not necessarily the rarest or the most costly.”
First of all, it is true and very important for us all to remember that many of the ordinary things in life are pretty amazing in and of themselves.
I don’t want you to miss that lesson.
But I didn’t tell you that story to teach you that lesson.
I told it because I wanted to teach you a hidden lesson.
The Hidden Lesson

I want you to notice the important hidden lesson in this legend.
What is the hidden lesson?
The lesson is that presentation and packaging really matter.
- Do you think the elderly tea connoisseurs would have been raving if he served the ordinary tea in an ordinary way?
- Do you think that his friends would have been in awe of his tea if he measured it out of an ordinary container?
The answer to both of these questions is no!
You see, he didn’t present his tea in an ordinary way.
He presented it with unprecedented ceremony.
He didn’t measure it out of an ordinary container.
He measured the leaves from a golden box.
That is what influenced the opinion of his guests.
That is what created the feeling that they were drinking something extraordinary.
How This Lesson Can Help You to Make Your Ordinary Content or Copy Feel Extraordinary

After reading this far, some of you are feeling like the elderly gentleman’s friends.
You have enjoyed the “taste” and “experience” of the content I just presented for you to consume.
The possible impact of the method and truth I just revealed has really intrigued you.
If you’re feeling that way, I’m glad. That was the plan I had for you when I wrote this article.
Do you want to know how I created this content in a way to impact you?
I did it by applying the same method I just revealed to you.
In other words, I used the same method that the honored and respected member of the tea connoisseurs used.
I took an ordinary (but very important) idea and I focused on doing my best to present it to you in the most extraordinary way I could.
What was my idea?
My ordinary idea was this: How you present your content will make all the difference in whether your content or copy feels ordinary or extraordinary.
How I Used His Method in This Article
Instead of just presenting the above sentence/method to you, I focused on the presentation of the method:
- I started by focusing on the need you have to make your content or copy stand out.
- I reminded you how the ability, or lack of ability, to do this will mean success or failure for you.
- I told you that that is why you must learn how to create better content or persuasive copy.
- I told you I wanted to show you a method that many people don’t know or many overlook.
- Then I told you the legend of the extraordinarily ordinary tea.
- ONLY after all of that did I reveal the idea/lesson.
Now, please pay close attention because this is really important…
All of the things I did before “the reveal “were important things for you to know or be reminded of. All of those things were true.
Your content or copy must stand out from your competition or it will fall short. It will fail you.
It is extremely important that you know how to create powerful content and engaging copy.
The ordinary idea that I revealed today will play a very important role in enabling you to make your content or copy feel extraordinary.
In fact, this ordinary idea is so important I COULDN’T risk the chance of you ignoring it.
I HAD to figure out the most extraordinary way to present it to you.
Otherwise, you never would’ve consumed this content. This means you never would have learned (or been reminded of) this valuable, but very ordinary idea.
I couldn’t risk doing anything else or anything less.
This ordinary idea was too valuable to waste.
Would You or Your Team Like to Learn How to Create Content Like This?
If you or your team of content marketers or copywriters would like to learn how to create powerful content or persuasive copy, I have three options you can choose from:
- Stay tuned for the next article that I’ll be posting next week. I’m going to continue to show you how to harness the power of the 7th marketing fundamental you need to succeed in 2021. (You can read all of the 7 marketing fundamentals here.)
- Contact me if you’d like more information about a small, paid coaching group I’m thinking of starting. If there’s enough interest, I’ll teach a small group of you many more ways you can use to create powerful content and persuasive copy – copy that will stand out from the rest of the content or copy out there. Contact me and I’ll give you more details on what I’m going to teach and how much it will cost.
(*Don’t worry. If you contact me, you won’t be obligated to be a part of the group. I won’t pressure you or barrage you with emails begging you to be a part. I don’t want anyone to be a part of this group unless they are really interested and excited to be a part.)
IMPORTANT: If you work for a company and you have a group of content marketers or copywriters you’d like me to coach, I would be willing to start a group with just your team. We would just need to agree on a regular coaching time and a price that works for your team and me. Contact me and let’s talk about it more. - You can choose option 1 and option 2. You can stay tuned for my next article and contact me about the coaching. 🙂
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