In my last article, I told you that the offer is the 6th marketing fundamental you need to succeed in 2021. In other words, you need to learn how to create powerful offers.
I also told you not to make the mistake that so many do. Your offer is much more than just your product or service.
In fact, there are certain key elements that every powerful offer has. Today, I want to reveal those key elements to you.
But before I do that, I need to tell you a story that will help you understand the importance of what I’m about to show you.
Let me tell you the story and then I’ll explain…
The Dream That Led to the Discovery of the Periodic Table
Back in 1863, there were only 56 known elements.
That’s less than half of the 118 known elements today. At that point in time, some scientists had already noticed that elements seemed to have patterns in their chemical makeup that showed up in some kind of regular intervals.
But the process of discovering new elements took a very long time back then. How long? About a year. Well, that was about to change thanks to a man named Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev.
Dmitri was a Russian Chemistry professor. But he wasn’t just your average Chemistry professor.
After becoming a teacher in 1867, he wrote what was considered the Chemistry textbook of his time. It was called Principles of Chemistry. (He wrote it while he was preparing for a course he taught.)
It was while writing his book that he made an important discovery. As he tried to classify the elements according to their properties, he suddenly noticed something.
He noticed patterns. It was those patterns that led him to come up with what we know as the periodic table. But this is where the story gets interesting.
He later revealed that he had a vision of the complete arrangement of the elements in a dream.
Listen to how he describes this below…

“I saw in a dream a table where all elements fell into place as required. Awakening, I immediately wrote it down on a piece of paper, only in one place did a correction later seem necessary.”
— Mendeleev, as quoted by Inostrantzev
That’s pretty amazing, huh?
At this point, you’re probably wondering why I’m telling you about a periodic tables when you’re wanting to learn about offers.
Well, it wasn’t just so I could tell you an interesting story. I told you this story because of what the discovery of the Periodic Table enables people to do.
Let me explain.
What the Periodic Table Enables Chemistry Students to Do
If it wasn’t for the simplification of the elements in this chart, chemistry students would need to learn all of the properties of all 118 known elements.
But, thanks to the periodic table, chemistry students only need to master the properties of a handful of elements. Why? Because all of the other elements fall into groups or families that have the same type of chemical properties.
Did you catch that? The periodic table gave people a much simpler, condensed way to understand all of the many different elements.
That’s exactly what I want to do for you today.
Instead of trying to give you all of the different ways that there are to create a powerful offer, I want to do give you a simpler way to understand the key elements of a powerful offer.
Use These 9 Elements to Create a Powerful Offer
With these simple elements, you’ll be able to make all types of powerful offers.
Are you ready? Here are the nine elements you need to create a powerful offer:
- A headline – In the same way that your content or copy needs a headline to capture people’s attention, so does your offer.
- Identify solution – You need to clearly explain and show your prospects the problem that your product or service solves.
- Describe offer and benefits – You need to describe what it is that you’re actually offering and why it’s a benefit to your prospects.
- Determine price or pricing structure – This is where you need to describe the value that your prospects are getting, the price, and any pricing structure or payment options that you have set up.
- Bullet points – Bullet points are a really important and effective way to make certain elements of your offer more digestible and/or draw attention to important points.
- Scarcity – If you really want people to act now, and not wait, you should make your offer scarce in some way. You can do this by either having a limited amount that you are selling or by limiting the number of people who can purchase that particular offer.
- Time-sensitive – Another way to get people to act now and not delay their purchase is by using time sensitivity in your offer. You do this by making your offer only available for limited times or limited days.
- A bonus – An effective bonus can nudge a prospect across the line and get them to purchase your product or service.
- A call to action – You need to tell your prospects what to do in order to get your offer. Examples of calls to action that you might use are: “Call us at…,” or “Fill out the form below…”
Two Final Thoughts About These Elements of a Powerful Offer
Let me leave you with two final thoughts about these elements of a powerful offer.
- I haven’t shared everything that there is to know about each of these elements. If I did that, I would write an article about each of these elements. But I don’t have time to do that. I still have 6 additional marketing fundamentals to reveal! 🙂
- You can obviously create an offer that doesn’t have all of these nine elements. But I would encourage you NOT to take away too many of these elements if you want your offer to be as powerful as possible.
That’s it for today. I will reveal some other important things that you need to know about powerful offers in my next article.
Stay tuned.
Source for Mendeleev Story and Periodic Table: Wikipedia and ScientificAmerican.com
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