In my last article, 4 Lessons About Unique Selling Propositions from the Man Who Made the Concept Popular, I revealed the four important things that Rosser Reeves said about USPs.
Today, instead of trying to teach you more about unique selling propositions, I thought I’d give you some examples of some powerful ones.
Some you might have heard of, some you haven’t. Some are USPs for new companies, some are for old brands.
Either way, if you study them closely, you’ll walk away with a deeper understanding of how to make your marketing or your brand stand out from your competition.
14 Famous Unique Selling Propositions Examples
I’ve shared a brief comment with each of these examples below.
But I want you to read these unique selling propositions with the four things that Reeves revealed in mind. That way, you will make your own discoveries and uncover your own insights.
1. Dominos Pizza – Old delivery guarantee: “30 minutes or it’s free.”
My Comment: This was a claim that no one else was making back then. If you were hungry and you wanted food now, then you knew where to get it.
2. NerdFitness.com – “We help nerds, misfits and mutants lose weight, get strong and get healthy permanently!”
My Comment: When most gyms are trying to attract athletes, they focused on a neglected group.
3. GEICO – “15 minutes could save you 15 percent or more on car insurance.”
My Comment: The genius of this claim is that it’s clear, simple, and very specific.
4. FedEx – Old guarantee: “When it absolutely, positively has to be there overnight.“
My Comment: When this claim was first made, it was an unheard of promise. And it was a promise that solved the need of many business people.
5. Schiltz Beer – Old campaign: They had a campaign that is now known as the “Purity” campaign. The campaigned basically went into detail about their brewing process. It explained the care that went into each step. It explained the science behind each step. It revealed all of the things that were meant to show why Schlitz was a “pure” beer.
My Comment: They were the first to point out things that many of the competitors also did. By claiming these things first, they stood out.
6. 7UP – Old slogan “The uncola.”
My Comment: Instead of trying to be like their competitors, they decided to emphasize what made them different.
7. Robinhood – “Investing for everyone.”
My Comment: Now that they’ve been in the news recently, I think this promise is stronger than ever.
8. Warby Parker – “Try 5 pairs for free at home.”
My Comment: They decided to address the problem that most people had: the difficulty of finding the right pair of glasses.
9. Head & Shoulders – “Clinically proven up to 100% dandruff protection.”
My Comment: They choose to be known for something that many other shampoos didn’t even talk about.
10. Palmolive Dishwashing Liquid – Old slogan: “It softens your hands while you do the dishes.”
My Comment: This slogan stood out because it suddenly made dishwashing liquid have a whole new purpose.
11. The Economist – “You’ve seen the news, why not discover the story.”
My Comment: I like this because it suggests that you’ll learn the behind-the-scenes stories that you won’t get anywhere else.
12. Tiffany & Co – “The right one is worth waiting for.”
My Comment: This is a creative way to express a double entendre that express their uniqueness and the uniqueness of the person you’re purchasing the jewelry for.
13. Ben & Jerry’s – “We make the best possible ice cream in the best possible way.”
My Comment: This is a great way to continue to remind consumers that they make amazing ice cream with a powerful purpose behind it.
14. Tuesday Morning – When this store first began, it was literally only open on Tuesdays.
My Comment: When most stores were trying to be more available, they chose a different strategy. By limiting the times customers could purchase from them, they stood out in the marketplace and made their company more memorable and desirable.
If you have any examples that I didn’t include, feel free to list them in the comments below.
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The 4th Marketing Fundamental You Need to Succeed in 2021
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