If you give me a few minutes, I’m about to reveal the reason you must follow-up with your prospects, if you care about them.
This might surprise you but the reason you must follow-up with them is not for your benefit, but for theirs.
Before I explain, let me ask you a few questions:
- How many of the things that you KNOW you should do, are you currently, actually doing?
- How many goals have you set for yourself that you haven’t achieved yet?
I don’t know you but let me make some predictions about your answers:
- You probably aren’t doing all, or maybe not even many, of the things that you know you should be doing.
- You probably have not achieved some, maybe not even many, of the goals you’ve set for yourself.
My bonus answer to a question I didn’t ask you: How do you feel about not doing all you know you should do and not achieving some of your goals? You feel bad about it all.
How’d I do? Good? Well, thanks.
No, I’m not psychic. The reason I knew these were your answers is because they’re MY answers.
You and I have a similar problem: We procrastinate.
Why? Because we’re scared.
Of failure. Maybe even more afraid of success.
So we keep putting off things, even important things we know we should do and want to do.
And this is the important part…
Your prospects are just like you and me.
They aren’t doing everything they know they should, and they aren’t achieving all the goals they have hoped to.
That’s why they NEED you to follow-up with them.
(Of course, that’s assuming your product or service is something that can really help them.)
- They need you to follow-up because they’ve been procrastinating like we have.
- They need you to follow-up because they’ve been delaying the decision about buying your product or service, even though they want to purchase it.
- They need you to follow-up because they’re afraid your company or your product/service is not what you say you are. They’re scared you are not the answer to their problems.
- They need you to follow-up because they might be even more afraid that your company or your product/service ARE all that you say you are. They’re scared that you do have the answer to their problems. And they’re not sure they’re really ready to go to the next level.
There are probably many other reasons why they need you to follow-up.
So, the next time you’re procrastinating and putting off creating that lead magnet, the next time you’re procrastinating and not emailing your leads – because you’re afraid of failure or success, remember you’re not alone.
I’m like you. And more importantly, those prospects you’re afraid to create that lead magnet for, or afraid to email, are like you.
And they need you to follow-up. Otherwise, they will never get unstuck.
The video below from AsapSCIENCE can help you to understand your and your prospect’s problem with procrastination.
The Science of Procrastination – This Is WHY You Do It (VIDEO)
If you want to know more of the reasons WHY you and your prospects procrastinate – and how to stop, watch this awesome video below.
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