On January 4, 2021, I began a series I’m calling The 12 Marketing Fundamentals You Need to Succeed in 2021.
In my first article of the series, I laid an important foundation that I will continue to build on. In that article I said…
Based on some things I’ve been reading from the experts I follow, there are some interesting trends and predictions that are said to be coming our way in 2021.
These trends and predictions will be opportunities for people that know how to leverage them.
But I believe that the sweet spot in 2021 is the place where opportunity and the fundamentals meet.
You see, the people and companies that succeed the most are the ones that keep their eye out for opportunities and then take advantage of them by harnessing the fundamentals.
What fundamentals? The marketing fundamentals that have existed for at least 100 years and that will probably exist for at least another 100 years.
-Scott Aughtmon, The 12 Marketing Fundamentals You Need to Succeed in 2021.
The First Marketing Fundamental: Attention
The first week, I revealed that the first marketing fundamental is attention. Because without attention, there is no marketing.
I then went to share ways you could capture, keep, and earn future attention.
The Second Marketing Fundamental You Need to Succeed in 2021
The second week, I revealed that the second marketing fundamental is attraction.
I went on to reveal that without attraction, all the work you put into capturing their attention will be wasted.
Want to Catch Up on This Series?
If you missed the articles and want to read them, you can go to this page I’ve created for the series.
In case you’re wondering, there are 14 previous articles in this series.
The 3rd Marketing Fundamental You Need to Succeed in 2021

After you have captured your prospect’s attention and then attracted the prospect, your work is not done. The next marketing fundamental you need to focus on is follow-up.
Because one of the biggest mistakes many companies make is tied to follow-up.
- They don’t follow-up at all.
- They don’t follow-up enough.
The “7 Marketing Touches” Principle

One well-known marketing principle is that you need, on average, 7 marketing touches before your marketing gets through to someone. That means it takes minimally 7 marketing touches to produce a sale.
I believe this is true today more than ever.
In fact, with how flooded our lives have become with marketing and advertising hitting us from all directions, we probably need much more than 7 touches.
You probably need more like 21 touches. Why? Because with so much information coming at us we’ve learned to block most of it out.
Even if we see an ad, and have an interest in what is being offered, we usually will forget about it unless we act on it right away.
The problem is that nowadays we’re all much less trusting of people, businesses, and organizations. We’ve been burned too many times by false promises to believe everyone.
This keeps us from acting on things right away, because we don’t want to look stupid.
We want to wait and find out more about this thing, person, or service. We want to make sure we don’t move too quickly and look stupid.
That’s why multiple marketing touches are needed today.
How This Applies to the First Two Marketing Fundamentals
When you realize how important the third marketing fundamental, it will help you to be more patient and better at applying the first two marketing fundamentals this year.
Let me explain.
The 1st Marketing Fundamental
When you realize how important follow-up is, you’ll be more persistent and patient in trying to get your prospect’s attention (1st marketing fundamental).
You’ll realize that you will never capture the majority of your prospects on your first effort to gain their attention.
That means when others mistakenly make only a single effort to gain attention in the marketplace, you’ll still be there long after, gaining the attention of prospects that your competitors gave up on too quickly.
The 2nd Marketing Fundamental
When you realize how important follow-up is, you’ll be more stubborn and determined in following up on the prospect’s whose attention that you’ve captured.
You’ll realize that the list of leads you gather, through your usual or “unusual” lead magnet, will need to stubbornly be followed up with in order to fully harvest the actual revenue potential they contain.
That means when others foolishly attempt to use lead magnets, and give up thinking they don’t work anymore, you’ll be generating revenue long after they’ve moved on to something else.
That’s it for today.
In my next article, I’ll help you to discover ways that you can follow-up with your prospects without being annoying.
A New Article in the Member’s Resource Area
I have a new article that reveals how another company used lead magnets in an “unusual” way to gain success.
The article is called “The “Unusual” Lead Magnet Behind the Most Popular Music Streaming Service.“
It’s in our Member’s Resource area. You can read just a minute or two from now. You just need to sign-up below. It’s free.
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