Why do many companies ignore lead magnets? If you surveyed the companies that ignore lead magnets, I bet you’d find they’re doing this for three main reasons:
- They’re too focused on making sales today to focus on tomorrow’s sales.
- They’re too busy taking care of their current customers.
- They’re too busy managing all of the day-to-day tasks of running a company.
By ignoring lead magnets, these companies are unintentionally missing the opportunity to:
- Build an email list they can make offers to
- Gain trust with their prospects
- Establish their company as a leader in their industry
- And more
If you don’t want to be one of the companies making this fatal mistake, keep in mind the wisdom of loggers.
Yes, you read that correctly, the wisdom of loggers.
More Trees in 2021 Than 1921?
“By 1997, forest growth exceeded harvest by 42 percent and the volume of forest growth was 380 percent greater than it had been in 1920.”
From FAO – Northwest American Forrest Commission
Did you know that for every tree that loggers cut down they plant four seedlings?
Because of this practice, there are more trees now than there were in 1921!
If you think about it, this is a very smart practice. Because without new trees, loggers have no future.
That made me think.
Lead Magnets Are the Seeds That Lead to a Harvest in the Future
As I said in my previous article, “Lead magnets and lead generation are your way to secure your future, today.”
Using lead magnets today is, in a sense, planting seeds that you can harvest tomorrow.
When you think of it like this, how many companies are wise enough to do the same thing as these loggers? Don’t get me wrong.
Many companies start by focusing on doing everything they can to get customers or clients… until they start showing up.
Then, once they start showing up, something interesting happens.
They stop focusing on getting them (or lessen that focus) and begin to concentrate on helping those customers or clients.
Now, obviously, you need to focus on your customers or clients. I would never tell you not to do that. But think about it.
What will eventually happen to you if you stop focusing on getting new leads that you can grow (aka nurture) into customers?
That’s right. You’ll end up like unwise loggers.
You’ll soon have no future.
P.S. What I just shared doesn’t just apply to companies. It applies to schools, universities, doctors, hospitals, dentists, restaurants, etc.
P.P.S. I’m still working on my next article focused on “unusual” lead magnets, but I needed more time to finish it. Stay tuned. My article will be called “How One Company Used an “Unusual” Lead Magnet to Succeed in the Streaming Wars.“