In my first article, The 1st Marketing Fundamental You Need to Succeed in 2021, I told you that you not only need to capture and keep your prospect’s attention, you also need to earn the right to their future attention.
Well, today, I’m going to show you how to exactly do that.
The Previous Articles in This Series
If you missed my other articles and want to catch up, you can do that below:
- The 12 Marketing Fundamentals You Need to Succeed in 2021
- The 1st Marketing Fundamental You Need to Succeed in 2021
- The Secret of the Reticular Activating System and How to Capture Attention (VIDEO)
- How Marketers Can Capture Attention Using My ’31 Types of Content We Crave’ (Video)
(Don’t worry. If you click on them, they won’t take you away from this page. They will open up a new window.)

Pay Attention
When we think about attention, we use a phrase that I think means more than we probably have thought about before. We use the term “pay attention.”
We’re trying to get people to pay attention to us – to our marketing, in order for us to do these other things that I’ve talked about.
Now, think about that.
When you pay for something, you are taking something that’s valuable to you (your money) and you are giving it to somebody else in exchange for that thing.
When somebody is paying attention to us, they are exchanging something that’s valuable: their attention. These days attention is a very, very valuable asset because it’s so rare.
They are paying us with their attention for something in return. They might be hoping:
- To be entertained
- To gain an insight
- To learn something
- To distract themselves
- Etc.
In other words, they expect to gain something.
Now, if you pay for something, and you get nothing in return, then you feel like you got ripped off. You’re never paying for that thing again.
You’re never buying from that person, that company – or whatever/whoever, again. We need to remember that.
Return on Attention
If someone pays attention to us, that is just the first step.
If we don’t reward them, give them something in return – if they don’t have a return on attention (R.O.A), then they are not going to pay us attention again.
That’ll be the last time they ever pay attention to us.
But if reward them for giving us their attention in the first place, then they will pay it to us again and again and again.
When that happens, we don’t just gain a temporary moment of attention, but we gain an audience.
The Power of Building Audience

An audience is a powerful thing. As direct response content marketers, an audience is one of those things that we need to really understand the value of.
An audience has as much value as a list does. Now, I’m not saying we should have an audience instead of a list.
But we should realize the importance of both, making sure that we’re building up a list of prospects and an audience of prospects.
So you need to make sure that when someone pays you attention, that you reward them.
- You reward them with education.
- You reward them with entertainment.
- You reward them with helpful answers to their questions, solutions to their problems.
If you do that, they will pay you their attention again, and you will gain an audience.
That’s the secret to earning your prospect’s future attention…today.
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Member’s Only Content Focused on Attention
I will be sharing a special post in the member’s resource area of this site that will be focused on how you can keep your prospect’s attention after you capture it.
I’ll also point you to one of the resources that members have access to which can help you to capture attention in the digital world.
If you’re not a member, you can join for free…
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Next Week: The Second Marketing Fundamental You Need to Succeed in 2021
Make sure to come back next week. Because next week, I’ll begin talking about the second marketing fundamental you’re going to need to succeed this year.
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