Want to know the secret to selling more? Are you sure?
Because it’s so obvious that it almost seems like a joke. But it really is how/why some people and businesses sell so much and others sell very little.
Here is the secret to selling more…
Gary Halbert Quote on Selling
“Sell people what they want to buy!”
― Gary Halbert, The Boron Letters
That’s it. If you want to sell more, then sell what people want to buy. I warned you it would sound stupid.
The Uncomfortable and Difficult Way to Market
But the fact is that so many times we start with the premise that we need to convince people to buy something they don’t want to buy.
That makes us feel uncomfortable. And that makes our task very difficult.
But what if we started with the premise that Gary gave us?
The Ideal Prospects
That would change things in a drastic way. Here are just a few of the ways they’d change:
- We’d start our SEARCH by only looking for people who are looking for what we offer and/or who would want the solution we provide.
- We’d come up with ways to ATTRACT those people so that we could offer them what they’re looking for and wanting.
- We’d be so much more CONFIDENT and COMMITTED in marketing to them and selling to them, because we would know we have what they want.
Imagine not only how different you’d feel, but imagine how more effective you’d be?
And that’s just the beginning.
Decide today that you will make the simple and powerful truth that Gary revealed your strategy and focus.
If you do, come back some time and let me know how things change.
In the meantime, here’s the quote if you’d like to share it with others…

Get a Free Copy of the Book Sizzlemanship: New Tested Selling Sentences by Elmer Wheeler
When you sign-up to become a member today, you’ll get access to a free copy of the book Sizzlemanship: New Tested Selling Sentences by Elmer Wheeler (Currently being sold on Amazon for $23.97)
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IMPORTANT: This book is in its original form. It may contain outdated cultural depictions.
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