In my “Direct Response Content Marketing” Manifesto, I share two key beliefs that I have:
- Effective content marketing needs direct response marketing.
- Effective direct response marketing needs content marketing.
Instead of being in opposite camps, tossing stones at each other, content marketers and direct marketers should unite their powers and impact the marketing industry like never before.
Because, as I used to tell my marketing students at UC Berkeley Extension…
“Direct response is the foundation of all effective digital marketing (and really all effective, measurable marketing).
“And content marketing plays a key role in effective digital marketing. “
You see, over the many years that I’ve studied and been involved with marketing, I’ve realized these two interesting things:
- The best content marketers and the most effective content marketing almost always taps into direct response principles.
- The best direct response marketing and the most effective direct response marketing that I’ve ever seen has harnessed the power of content marketing.
A Case Study from a Direct Response Agency Making Old-School Marketers Proud
I tell you all of this so you’ll understand why I was so excited to come across a case study from SeQuel Response, which is a direct response agency headquartered in Minnesota.
I loved their case study because it shows how they used old-school direct response principles and created a successful Facebook ad campaign for a major public university.
I’d encourage you to check out their case study below, so you can see the great ad they created…

CASE STUDY: Why even old-school direct marketers should love Facebook advertising
After you’re done checking out their case study, come back and read my manifesto…