I haven’t posted anything since last Tuesday, because I was back in California for some onboarding training that all new hires at Intuit go through.
It was something that we were asked to do beforehand, and discuss during the training, that I want to share with you today.
The reason I want to share it with you is because it’s one of the keys to becoming a better direct response content marketer.
And, coincidentally, it reminds me a lot of another one of my main takeaways from Content Marketing World.
(You can see my biggest takeaway here: My Biggest Takeaway from Content Marketing World 2019.)
Follow Me Home: Intuit’s Innovation Secret

“Follow Me Home” is something that was started by Intuit’s founder, Scott Cook, in the early days of the company.
And it is, literally, what it sounds like.
Scott Cook would wait at the local Staples store until a customer would buy an Intuit product. Then he would ask the customer if he could follow the customer home to watch them use the product.
Over the years, Intuit has continued the tradition of “Follow Me Home.” Intuit now asks each of its employees to go on a “Follow Me Home” so the company can continue to know and understand our customers.
The group I was in visited a local small business owner who owns a coffee shop. (And who happens to be a good friend of mine!)
It was a great experience because it was a good reminder to me of who our company is trying to help.
It made me proud to be a part of a company that focuses on a simple, but powerful, practice.
And that leads me to my other takeaway from Content Marketing World.
My Other Takeaway from Content Marketing World

One of the things I kept hearing over and over in different ways, and repeated in the different sessions that I went to, was something that “Follow Me Homes” are based on.
The thing I kept hearing repeated at Content Marketing World was the importance of knowing our prospects and customers.
You see, if we don’t know and understand who our customers and prospects really are, then our marketing will never have any impact.
Why? Because if you don’t know your prospects and customers, then how can you:
- Know what they really need and want?
- Know how to get their attention?
- Know to influence them?
- Know how to help them?
We can’t.
After my training last week and after going to Content Marketing World two weeks ago, it was an important reminder that the most powerful marketing and the most successful companies are successful for a reason.
They know their customers better than their competitors do.
That’s where all effective marketing starts.
I’d encourage you to do the same.
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