If you have been following along, you know that I’ve revealed some important things that many people don’t fully understand.
- I’ve explained… What Content Marketing Is.
- I’ve shown you… Why Content Marketing is So Important Today.
- And I’ve described… What Direct Response Marketing Is.
If you really understand these things, you’ll be ahead of most businesses, companies, and business owners.
But if you just stop there, you’ll still be MISSING OUT on all the ways that content marketing and direct response marketing can take you and your business or company to the next level.
What Is Direct Response Content Marketing?

The idea of “direct response content marketing” came to me after teaching a marketing class for two years for UC Berkeley Extension in Belmont, CA.
In that class, I taught my students that direct response is the foundation of all effective digital marketing.
And I also taught them that content is key in building an audience that knows, likes, and trusts you.
That’s when something happened.
- As I kept teaching my students these things, I kept thinking about these two ideas over again.
- As I did, I continued to show them how direct response was really behind all effective digital marketing.
- And as I continued to explain that content was needed throughout all of the nine steps to effective marketing, I suddenly realized something.
I realized that these two types of marketing should not be practiced as separate disciplines in two separate camps but should instead be combined so that they can produce a greater synergy.
When I realized this, it suddenly hit me.
The greatest marketing that I’ve ever seen has been marketing that combined direct response with content marketing.
After thinking about it for a while, I came up with the term “direct response content marketing.”
But I want to be clear.
Direct response content marketing wasn’t necessarily an invention of mine.
It was more like a discovery of mine.
In the book Thinking, Fast and Slow, Daniel Kahneman says this…

“At the age of four, a child effortlessly conforms to the rules of grammar as she speaks, although she has no idea that such rules exist.”
In the same way, the principles and rules of “direct response content marketing” have been put into use, unknowingly, by others for many years.
[*INTERESTING SIDE NOTE: When I’ve explained the concept of “direct response content marketing” to other content marketers and direct marketers, they instantly get it and recognize it.
In fact, when I shared it with one expert he said this, “I think the idea is a really great one and it is one I have been implementing with my own clients (although I wouldn’t say I put the two ideas together as well as you are articulating here!)”]
Even though I didn’t invent “direct response content marketing,” I have come along to identify it, systematize it, and to codify it.
And if you stick with me, I promise to do my best to show you the amazing, incomparable results that can happen when we harness the incredible power of content marketing and direct response marketing.
Are You In? Here Are Three Things You Should Do
If you can see the potential in direct response content marketing and you want to learn how to harness its power, or even be a part of fleshing out its identity in the marketing industry, then here are THREE THINGS you should do.
- Join DirectResponseContentMarketing.com as a free member and you will get access to our Member’s Resource Area which will give you access to additional content and resources that I won’t share in the public areas of this website. Click here to join now!
- Begin following me on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter, so you will be one of first to access any/all of the concepts, strategies, and insights that I will reveal. (I haven’t created any separate accounts for this site.)
- Share this article and/or any of our other articles. When you do that, you’ll be helping spread the word about this powerful paradigm shift and your friends, followers, and colleagues will be thankful to you for helping them be one of the first to know about this.
P.S. If you want to learn more about direct response content marketing, then read “The Direct Response Content Marketing Manifesto.”