I Couldn’t Believe What I Heard
I was watching a recent episode of Pawn Stars, called “A Game of Pawns,” and I couldn’t believe something that came out of Rick Harrison’s mouth.
Why? Because the truth he shared doesn’t just reveal what makes items valuable, it also reveals what makes content valuable.
In fact, what he shared is one of my secrets to creating valuable content.
Let me explain what happened and let’s see if you notice the powerful truth that I did.
It all starts with an old sword that Rick purchased.
The Content Creation Secret from an Ancient Sword
After purchasing an old sword Rick explained to his son, Corey, how valuable the sword was.
As he was explaining its value he said this…
“It’s an amazing sword. It’s got great history. And like I always tell you, all the value is in the story. And this has just got a great story.”
– Rick Harrison,
Pawn Stars on History Channel
Did you catch the powerful content creation secret that I did?
In case you missed it, let me point it out to you.
The secret that Rick revealed can be found in these words, “…like I always tell you, all the value is in the story.”
You see, what makes an item valuable isn’t necessarily what the item is (unless it’s something made of gold).
No, what makes something valuable is the story that comes with the item.
Thatt story gives the item a unique context and makes it unique and valuable.
Example of Rick’s Secret in Action: How A Guitar Can End Up Being Worth $150,000
An article on Screenrant.com called Pawn Stars: The 30 Most Expensive Things To Come Through The Shop, gives the perfect example of what Rick is talking about…
“It was one of those moments that remains one of the greatest in Pawn Stars history because they were looking at a 1961 Gibson SG Les Paul Guitar that was played by the wife of the man who created it. It is like having Babe Ruth’s grandson bring in a signed rookie card of him. It does not get much better than that. After an expert confirmed the value of it to be close to $150,000, a deal was made for $90,000.”
– Pawn Stars: The 30 Most Expensive Things To Come Through The Shop | Screenrant.com
You see?
It’s the story of Mary and her connection to Les Paul that made the guitar so valuable, not the guitar itself.
My Secret to Creating Valuable Content is Very Similar
The reason I couldn’t believe what I was hearing is because one of my secrets to creating valuable content is this…
“All of your content’s value comes from the story you wrap it in.”
– Scott Aughtmon,
How do I take a common idea or truth and make it feel new and valuable?
I wrap it in a story.
Simply by using the right story, I can exponentially increase the value of the idea.
My Secret in Action: It’s Right Before Your Eyes
Want an example of how I use this content creation secret? OK, you just read one.
I wanted you to realize that it’s the story you use to create the context for your ideas that will determine whether your content seems valuable or not.
But instead of just telling you this idea, I told you the story of the secret that Rick Harrison revealed on the TV show Pawn Stars.
I used that story to give you a unique context for understanding my content creation secret.
And it’s that story that made my idea much more interesting and valuable than it would ever be without the story.
So, if you want to exponentially increase the value of your content, remember my and Rick’s secret: all the value comes from the story.
P.S. You can watch the episode that I was talking about right now on HistoryChannel.com. Click here.
(NOTE: You will have to enter your cable provider.)