Previous Videos in This Series on Attention
If you haven’t seen my other five videos in this series, then you can check them out here:
- Make Sure Your Prospect Receives “Return on Attention” If You Want Them to KEEP Paying Attention (VIDEO)
- What We Must Pay Attention to in Order to Get a Prospect’s Attention (VIDEO)
- The Spoiler-Free, Attention-Getting Lessons We Can Learn from Avengers: Endgame (VIDEO)
- Attention-Getting Lessons from ‘The Voice’ TV Show (VIDEO)
- Without Attention, There Is No Marketing (VIDEO)
Now, let’s get to today’s post…
What Gets Your Attention As Your Scrolling Along?
Have you ever stopped to think about what gets you to stop scrolling and pay attention?
I was thinking about this as I was scrolling LinkedIn today. And as I thought about this I came up with what I believe are the three primary ways to get attention.
I believe that they will work whether you’re trying to get attention with email marketing, social media marketing, or whatever!
Check out my video below to learn what these three primary ways to get attention are…