Are You Making It Worth It For People to Pay Attention?
I was on a trip out of town yesterday and I wanted to share with you some quick thoughts about getting prospect’s to pay attention.
So I recorded a short video for you while I was stuck in traffic.
In order for any of our marketing efforts to work, we must first get people to pay attention.
It’s one of the most basic things that direct response marketers or content marketers need to do.
But I don’t think that most of us really think about what we’re asking people to do when we ask them to “pay attention.”
Because if we did, I think we’d realize the secret to not only getting them to pay attention once but also to pay attention to us AGAIN in the future.
In my video below, I reveal a way to think about getting people to pay attention that will help you to devise strategies that will make people want to keep paying attention to you/your marketing in the future.
And the when you figure out how to do this, you will move people from being just a prospect to becoming something much more valuable (to them and you.)
Watch my short video below and you’ll discover what I mean…
Make Sure Your Prospect Receives “Return on Attention” If You Want Them to KEEP Paying Attention (VIDEO)
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