The Father of the Self Help Industry
Dale Carnegie is called by some “The Father of the Self Help Industry”.
He is the author of the wildly famous book “How to Win Friends and Influence People.” (If you haven’t read it, you should. It’s a great book!)
This video below is from A & E Biography and reveals how he went from being an out of work actor and unsuccessful car salesman into a best-selling author and by, the age of 50 years old, one of the most successful people in the U.S.
Watching it will inspire you and teach you some of his great philosophies.
In fact, I believe there are AT LEAST five lessons that marketers can learn from Dale Carnegie.
(*I’ve included these lessons below the video.)
Dale Carnegie A Man of Influence An A&E Biography (VIDEO)
5 Lessons That Marketers Can Learn from Dale Carnegie
Here are just five of the lessons that marketers of all types can learn from Dale Carnegie and immediately begin applying to their marketing:
- Become genuinely interested in other people – Dale said, “You can win more friends in two months by becoming genuinely interested in people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.” LESSON FOR MARKETERS: You should become genuinely interested in your prospects. If you do this, and apply it to your content or copy, then you will win more customers in two months than you can in two years by trying to get people interested in your product, service, or company. Doing this will become your secret weapon for creating more powerful marketing than your competitors.
- Become passionate about the thing you’re selling – In 1912, Dale discovered his passion: teaching a YMCA night school course on public speaking. It was that passion, which led him to become the successful person that he’d become.
LESSON FOR MARKETERS: Becoming passionate about the product or service that you are selling, or the product or service the company you’re creating marketing for is selling, will be the second secret weapon to creating powerful marketing. - Create content for others – As Dale became famous, he began writing articles for others. This helped him name and fame to spread. LESSON FOR MARKETERS: Never forget that publishers need content. When you offer to write for them, you’re not asking them to do you a favor. You’re doing them a favor. So one part of your marketing plan should be to write articles for others, whether that’s articles in magazine or guest posts on websites.
- Learn from your customers – As Dale taught more and more people how to speak effectively, he realized that most of them weren’t learning how to speak in order to give regular speeches. They were coming to him so that they could increase their self-confidence. That insight caused him to change his classes to focus on what he called “human relations.” LESSON FOR MARKETERS: Always watch, listen to, and observe not only how customers are purchasing from you, but also how they’re using your products or services. This can give you amazing breakthroughs.
- The importance of choosing the right audience to offer your product or service to – When Simon and Schuster published Dales book, How to Win Friends and Influence People, they realized the best people to market the book to were the people who took Dale’s courses. It was a way for them to take Dale’s lessons with them and share these lessons with their friends. That decision made the book land on the best sellers list… for 10 years!! LESSON FOR MARKETERS: Take time to think about who the best people are to begin marketing your product or service to. It could be a make it or break it decision.
These are just a few of the lessons that you can learn from watching this video.
I’d encourage you to watch the video for yourself. Because his story is very inspiring and the lessons will impact you more when you hear them as a part of his story.
Do You Want to Discover More Lessons in His Book “The Art of Public Speaking”?
There are more marketing lessons that you can learn from his book, The Art of Public Speaking. If you comment or contact me and let me know if you’d be interested in reading it, then I will include it in our free Member’s Resource Area.
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