Stumbling into Marketing
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
I didn’t get into marketing the typical way that many marketers have. I didn’t walk through the front door. Instead, I sort of slipped in through a side door.
What do I mean? What I mean is this…
- I didn’t originally plan (or even want) to be a marketer.
- I didn’t even really know (or care about) what marketing was.
Instead, I stumbled into marketing accidentally.
You see, I was trying to figure out a solution to getting traffic to a website that I had started in the late ’90s and I realized that in order to get more traffic, I needed to understand marketing.
So I began looking into what marketing was and how to do it effectively.
And that initial pursuit to understand marketing and figure out how to do it has led me on a journey I never planned or expected to take.
My Unexpected and Unbelievable Journey in the Marketing Arena
In spite of that fact that I stumbled into marketing, when I discovered what marketing really was and how it could help me personally to reach my goals, I decided to dive in head first.
And when I did that, my unexpected and unbelievable journey began.
Here are some of the things that I have happened to me along the way:
- I ended up interviewing 38 top business, sales, and marketing experts for a book I put together.
- I ended up being interviewed as a recession solution expert on a couple radio stations.
- I became known in the content marketing arena.(I unintentionally used content marketing back in my earliest days of marketing, even before it had a name.)
- I am the person behind the popular infographic called 21 Types of Content We Crave.
- I have written for several top marketing websites. (Here links where you can see some of my posts and some of my other ones.)
- I wrote a book called 51 Content Marketing Hacks which was nominated for’s 2016 “Small Business Book Awards.”
- In 2016, I was listed as one of the “Top 25 Content Marketing Bloggers to Catch Up On.”
- I am the person who discovered the oldest known examples of content marketing that are known to exist.
- In 2017, I became a marketing professor for UC Berkeley Extension in Belmont and began teaching what I’ve learned about marketing over the last 20 years to the young marketing professionals who have taken my class.
- And most recently, I came up with a new form of marketing that I call “direct response content marketing.”
Don’t get me wrong. I didn’t jump from one success to another.
Not at all. Instead, I learned certain concepts, tried them, and then learned from the results.
Some of my efforts lead to great results.
Some of my efforts were faulty and led to failures.
But it didn’t matter, because whether the results were exciting or embarrassing, I took whatever happened and learned from it.
What I am trying to say is that my path hasn’t been a straight line. It was more like a zig-zagging path.
The 4 Marketing Lessons I’ve Learned That Can You to Better Market Yourself or Your Business
But the benefit of this path was that I’ve learned a lot of lessons along the way. (You tend to learn more from failures and mistakes and I’ve had enough failures and made enough mistakes to learn many lessons.)
I’d like to let you listen in to my story as I told it to my UC Berkeley Extension marketing class recently (the audio is only 32:53 minutes).
And as you hear my story, I will reveal four marketing lessons that can help you to better market yourself in the marketplace and/or how to more effectively market your business.
I’ll show you:
- Why being positioned well in the market is even more important than your marketing (and one way to do this)
- How to increase the exposure of yourself, your ideas, your products, or your business to a larger audience than you reach now
- How to present your ideas to the marketplace in a way that really resonates with people
- Why changing the form or format of how you present yourself/ideas will change people’s response to you and your ideas
Testimonial from One of My Past Students
“I have never been involved in marketing before, but I took an ‘Intro to Marketing’ class with Scott Aughtmon at UC Berkeley Extension in Belmont and I really enjoyed it. I not only enjoyed Scott’s speaking style, materials, and quizzes, but it was really helpful for me to put together the required marketing plan for the class. It really helped me to be able to consolidate what I learned in the class. And the suggestions and feedback that Scott gave me while I was putting together my plan was like magic and worked great for me!”
– Ken Imai, Sr. Marketing Manager at Renesas Electronics America Inc.

– Sr. Marketing Manager at Renesas Electronics America Inc.
Listen to My Story and Learn My Hard-Earned Marketing Lessons for FREE
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