My Discovery That Collected “Digital Dust” in My Inbox for Almost 4 Years

It happened on October 6, 2015, and I don’t even remember how I came across it.
I was probably searching and bouncing around the internet looking up some marketing related information.
And that’s when I made this surprising discovery. (Even though, at that time, I’d have to admit that I didn’t realize how important my discovery was.)
What was it? It was a digital copy of an old book about advertising from 1912.
I skimmed it and thought it looked interesting, but I didn’t have time to really read it right then.
So what did I do? I Gmailed it to myself so I could look at it later and figure out what I wanted to do with it.
I think over these years I might have glanced at it once or twice really quickly but, again, didn’t get to really consume it and figure out what to do with it.
That is until Friday, February 1st of this year.
117-Year-Old Secrets About What Makes People Buy (That Still Apply Today)

That’s the day that I remembered again that old book that I had emailed myself.
For some reason I can’t really explain, this time I decided to finally take the time to sit down and really read the book.
And when I did, I began to smile with excitement.
Why? Because I suddenly realized just what an amazing find I had been sitting on for almost four years!
The more I read, the more excited I got. I quickly began to realize that this book was unique. Why?
- It a world where the same ideas are repackaged and regurgitated over and over, this book contained some rare ideas, concepts, methods, and tools on how to discover the real reason people buy.
- Not only that, but it contained a unique tool (in the form of a chart) to help you uncover the thing that’s really keeping someone from buying from you (It’s a different tool than ones I’ve come across before.)
- This might sound strange, but some of the ideas and methods that it contains have been forgotten for so long they are new again!
- And finally, when I looked at the publisher and realized the origin/source of the ideas — and when I realized that the methods had been thoroughly tested and produced proven results back then — that’s when I understood why these truths have stood the test of time.
This all led me to realize that the high quality and quantity of information gathered and presented in this book was something I needed to share with others.
It was too valuable to keep to myself or let remain forgotten.
Because in this day and age, just as it was 117 years ago, knowing how to create content or copy that makes people buy is a key skill that is crucial and is always in demand.
(*CLARIFICATION: Please don’t misunderstand me. When I say “make people buy,” I do NOT mean that in a manipulative or sleazy way. I mean causing people to want to buy in a completely honest, upfront, powerful, and persuasive way. A way that helps the seller present their valuable solutions and helps the buyer solve their pressing problems.)
And because I knew that I was about to reveal to the world, I realized that this book would be the perfect fit and this site would be the perfect platform to reveal the powerful lessons this book contains.
So today, I am going to begin peeling back the layers and reveal some of the valuable and profitable ideas that this book contains.
(IMPORTANT: This book is 117 years old. I am not claiming that all of the things in it are amazing or still applicable. They’re not! But when you see the quality and quantity of ideas, concepts, methods, and tools that it does contain —which are amazing and still applicable today, I think you’ll agree that I am not exaggerating.)
Why You’re Going to Have to Wait to Find Out the Name of This Book.

But before I share the first lessons from this book, I want to be really clear about what I am going to do for you and what I am not going to do.
What I Am Going to Do
What I am going to do in this series that I am beginning today is repackage and share the information that this book contains.
I am going to pull out lessons from this information and show you how it applies to the content and the copy that you create today.
What I Am Not Going to Do (and Why)
But, what I am NOT going to do is reveal the name of the book…. at least not just yet. And when I do reveal it, I am not going to reveal it all of you.
Why? I want to wait to reveal the name of the book at the end of this series for several important reasons that benefit not only me but also you:
- I want to be able to share my exclusive insights from the book with you here,before the information can be diluted and commoditized.
- This rewards me for finding the book and for taking the time to read it, condense its wisdom, and present it to you in an easy to consume, understandable, and applicable format.
- It also rewards you for finding this website, spending time reading what I have written, and gives you a head start in applying this information before it becomes common knowledge and loses its effectiveness.
- Plus, mysteries are fun. They’re attractive. They create suspense. I want to leave the source of this information a mystery in order to make it more enjoyable for you as you discover the powerful lessons along the way. And I am doing this so that the anticipation will make the “final reveal” more exciting for us both.
The Privileged Few

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
*When I reveal the title of the book at the end of this series, I will only be revealing it to members of
Why? There are many important reasons but here are a few of them:
- It will give you an incentive to sign-up to become a member of (This book will only be one of the treasures that you will eventually have access to in our Member’s Resource Area.)
- It will reward people who sign-up as free members of this community so they get “first dibs” at it and can go read the book for themselves.
- It will hopefully delay the dissemination of this valuable information to slow the pace of it being diluted and cheapened.
- Plus, I am doing this in order to apply my “6th Indisputable Law for Creating Highly Valuable Content,” which states: “Things that are popular and hard to get our hands on are seen as more valuable.” (In other words, I am applying this law because I don’t want to fail you by cheapening the information you’re about to discover. If you think it’s easily accessible then you might make the same mistake I did and wait four years to consume and apply this important information.)
Now that we’ve gotten that all out of the way, it’s time to pull this book from my digital shelf, open the cover, and thumb through its pages to unveil its first insights and lessons…
How to Create Content and Copy That Sells – Pt. 1 (Wisdom from Inside the Book)

Content and Copy That Motivates People to Buy Requires More Than These Things
Contrary to popular opinion, marketing that makes people want to buy is more than:
- The appearance of the content and copy
- The words you choose to use
- The layout of the copy
- The choice of the medium
Don’t get me wrong. All of these things matter! But you can do all of these things perfectly and still not produce something that makes people want to buy.
Why? Because even if your marketing had all of the above things going for it, it could still be missing the secret ingredient that influences people to buy.
The Missing Ingredient: No Appeal, No Deal

You see, it’s all about the appeal.
The thread that must weave its way through your whole marketing campaign must be grounded in a strong appeal.
And not just a strong appeal, but an appeal that makes people want to buy.
If you don’t find the right way to appeal that will make your chosen prospect want to buy, then everything else will fall flat.
But, if your content or copy is grounded in a strong appeal that makes people want to buy, then the appearance, words, layout, and medium you choose will amplify it.
An Example We Can All Relate to From Childhood
Let me give you an example of the importance of choosing the right appeal in order to get someone to take up your offer.
Think of any type of food you used to hate as a child but you now love as an adult.
My Personal Example
I used to hate curry when I was a kid. Back then, my step-dad was a cook in the hospital cafe and he made some curry there that people loved.
My mom would bring some home and try to get me to eat it by saying things like “it’s really good” (appeal to quality) or “everyone loves it” (social proof).
But those appeals had no effect on me, so I didn’t take the offer. WHY? Because I didn’t like curry, her appeals were pointless!
But now, as an adult, I LOVE curry. If my Mom made those same appeals now, I would instantly respond and take her up on her offer!
Appeal: the power of arousing a sympathetic response: ATTRACTION
Do you understand? When I was younger, all of my Mom’s efforts were useless, because her appeal wasn’t attractive to me since I didn’t like curry at the time.
But now, since my tastes have changed, she could convince me to eat curry with hardly any effort – using the same appeal – because that appeal is attractive to me now.
That means that BEFORE you put any effort into your content or copy, you must make sure that the underlying appeal that you have chosen will make your prospect want to buy.
That means that BEFORE you put any effort into your content or copy, you must make sure that the underlying appeal that you have chosen will make your prospect want to buy. Click To TweetThe Skillful Content Marketer or Copywriter
The skillful content marketer or copywriter must make sure that the message that runs through their content marketing or copywriting is filled with buying reasons and buying attractions that are appealing to their target prospect.
The skillful content marketer or copywriter must focus on the product’s essence in a way that’s appealing to his target prospect and in a way that appeals to the prospect’s desires.
Otherwise, the marketing will have no pull, no attraction. And with no pull, all the effort, strategies, and methods in the world can’t help you!
Without the Right Appeal, You Can’t Create Effective Content or Copy
In the book, it says that if you want your content or copy to get people to buy, it must:
- Grip your prospects
- Reveal the innermost benefits that your product or service offers
- Focus on their wants not just your needs
- Foresee every hesitation the prospect might have and counteract these with logical reasons to buy
But how can you possibly do any of these things, if you don’t know the right appeal that will make your prospect want to buy?
The Four Roadblocks

When your content or copy is based on a weak appeal, or the wrong appeal, then your prospect will quickly begin to put up one of four roadblocks that will keep you from getting them to move forward.
These roadblocks come in the form of four choices that the book describes a prospect making if your appeal isn’t correct or strong enough:
1. Without the right appeal, the prospect (B2C) or company (B2B) you’re trying to target might decide to save their money for now. They might decide to not spend it all, spend it on something else, or save it for a larger purchase.
(*How much “money off” do you think you can offer them as an incentive to buy if they’ve already decided to save themselves 100% by not buying and just saving their money?)
2. Without the right appeal, the prospect (B2C) or company (B2B) you’re trying to target might just decide to delay the decision. Maybe he/she is too busy today. Maybe they have more pressing concerns right now.
(That means that instead of just needing to convince them that your product/service is good and can help them, you’re going to need to convince them that they’re not too busy and that your offer is more important than their other concerns.)
3. Without the right appeal, the prospect (B2C) or company (B2B) you’re trying to target might want to take some time to reexamine or reappraise their situation. This might come from self-doubt about the uncertainty of the exact problem that needs to be solved.
(*How easy do you think it’s going to be to convince them that your product/service will solve their problem if they aren’t sure that that’s their exact problem?)
4. Without the right appeal, the prospect (B2C) or company (B2B) you’re trying to target might simply procrastinate and put off the decision (like we all like to do).
(*Think about how good you are at procrastinating and then think about what you’re up against in trying to get your prospect not to do it.)
So you see, by not using the right appeal it’s going to make things very difficult.
But if you figure out the right appeal, then some of your prospects will proceed forward before even stopping to consider putting out these roadblocks.
The Right Appeal Begins with These Four Questions
That means that the good news is that the right appeal can neutralize whatever barrier is keeping our prospect from buying.
That means that the good news is that the right appeal can neutralize whatever barrier is keeping our prospect from buying. Click To TweetWithout the right appeal, you’re just wasting your time trying to convince your prospect that your product or service is great and can help them, when that’s not the reason they aren’t buying. (Remember my mom and the curry story?)
If you’re going to have any hope of discovering the right appeal, then you must start by clearly understanding the answers to four questions from the book:
- What does the prospect want?
- How does your product fit that desire?
- What overall tone should permeate your content marketing and/or copy?
- And what should be your primary appeal that will get your prospect to see that buying now is their best (if not only) option?
Just knowing your product or service isn’t enough.
You must know your product or service in relation to your prospect.
It’s the only way to begin to figure out what is keeping a prospect from buying from you right now.
In just a second, I will show you give you a preview of what’s coming next.
But I want to offer something to those of you who want to begin applying what you’ve already read…
Want a Checklist to Help You Begin to Analyze, Evaluate, and Apply What You’ve Learned Here?
If you’d like a checklist based off of the concepts, ideas, and questions that I’ve presented here, then sign-up to become a free member of

I have put together a 5-page checklist that will help to do two things:
- Analyze and important a current piece of content or copy
- Create a new piece of content or copy
Become a free member right now and you can download this and other resources in our Member’s Resource Area.

Click here to become a member! It takes just a minute or two!
Sneak Peek: A Tool to Help You Analyze Your Marketing Problems, So You Can Uncover the Right Appeal
As we continue delving deeper into this book, I am going to begin revealing the questions from a unique chart that this book provides.
It’s a chart that is meant to be a tool to help you analyze your marketing problems and uncover the correct appeal you must use to get your customers to buy.
This chart will help you figure out things like:
- The key factors in determining the most effective sales appeal for you to use
- The buying motives that you should make sure that your copy or content appeals to.
- And more
I think you’re going to have plenty of “aha! moments” and experience some breakthroughs, so make sure you to come back for Part 2. (And there are many more parts to come!)
We’re Just Getting Started
Most of you who have read this far are excited to read this information and thinking of friends, followers, and colleagues you can share it with.
But I know there is a small group of you who, even though you thought the information was good, you aren’t convinced that it is that unique, rare, or different.
My only response to you is, “We’re just getting started!”
Come back next week for part two and see the next batch of powerful ideas, concepts, methods I am going to reveal next.
Do You Have a Guess?
You’re always more than welcome to take a guess at what you think the title of the book is at any point throughout this series.
If you have a guess, please email me and let me know what you think it is. (I just won’t confirm or deny it.)
*Just please don’t ruin the surprise for everyone else by posting your guess in the comment section.