The “Father of Advertising” Reveals His First Love and Secret Weapon

The late David Ogilvy is considered by many to be “The Father of Advertising.”
He is admired and studied for incredible insights into, and understanding of, effective advertising. In fact, Time magazine went as far as calling him “the most sought after wizard in the business.”
His book Ogilvy on Advertising is considered a classic, must-read book.
Well, you might be surprised to hear this, but David Ogilvy believed in the power and effectiveness of direct response marketing.
In the video you are about to see, Ogilvy reveals that direct marketing was the secret weapon he used to grow his agency, Ogilvy & Mather!
In fact, he calls direct response his “first love” and says that he tried for forty years to get the advertising community to understand the importance of direct response.
In this video, David Ogilvy shares some insights that expose the exact reason why whenever I teach marketing to marketers and business professionals, I always teach them that direct response marketing is the foundation of all effective marketing.
My Similar Goal(s)
And in the same way that Ogilvy tried to convince the advertising world of the importance of direct response, my goal is to help the content marketing industry the importance of direct response.
But that’s not all. I also want the direct response industry to see the importance of content marketing.
David Ogilvy: We Sell or Else (VIDEO)
Description of the video: “Renowned Advertising guru David Ogilvy gives a brief speech on the importance of direct marketing.”
Two Quotes from This Video
In the above video, Ogilvy gave this amazing prediction to
direct marketers…
“I predict that the practitioners of general advertising are going to start learning from your experience. They’re going to start picking your brains. I see no reason why the direct response divisions of agencies should be separate from the main agencies. Some of you may remember when television people in agencies were kept separate wasn’t that idiotic? I expect to see the direct response people become an integral part of all agencies. You have more to teach them than they have to teach you. You have it in your power to rescue the advertising business from its manifold lunacies.”
– David Ogilvy
Later he reveals just how important that he believes direct response is when he says…
“Nobody should be allowed to create general advertising until he has served his apprenticeship in direct response.”
– David Ogilvy
If you haven’t already, I’d encourage you to watch the video right now. And if you already just watched it, then watch it again. It’s that important.
If You Would Like To Discover More of David Ogilvy’s Insights
If you’d like to learn more of his insights into direct response and advertising, and you don’t already have his book, then you should grab a copy of it.
Here are some of the things that he talks about in his book:
• How to get a job in advertising
• How to choose an agency for your product
• The secrets behind advertising that works
• How to write successful copy—and get people to read it
• Eighteen miracles of research
• What advertising can do for charities
Click here to grab a copy on Amazon right now.
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